Les apprentis BTSA STA 2ème année de l’ENILBIO brassent la bière de Printemps
Through a multidisciplinary project integrating Socio-cultural studies, English, Statistics and Food Technology, 2nd year BTS students at ENILBIO have brewed a Spring Beer. This beer is a « Saison » style beer, and the project includes:
- Production of English video clips in order to describe the type of beer and to explain raw materials, the process, equipment and brewery training at ENILBIO
- Design of a communication medium such as a special label for this new beer
- Sensory analysis of similar beers and statistical interpretation of results
The beer will be available for sale and tastings will be organized for the 200th anniversary of Pasteur, accompanied by English video clips produced by these students.
Photo prise lors de la fabrication de cette bière de printemps, projet de la classe d’apprentis BTSA STA APT 2ème année le tout dans les cours d’anglais !
Plus d’informations sur la formation BTSA Sciences et technologies des aliments, aliments et processus technologiques : https://www.enil.fr/formations/bts/btsa-sta-aliments-technologies
Contact : Laure RAVEROT-BOURGEOIS, laure.raverot-bourgeois@educagri.fr